I have kept up the best I can with weapons and armor for myself and them, and it is doing nothing. I took the infiltrator class thinking it would be simple to sit back and snipe things while my companions held the ground, but they are 100% useless. Then you have people talking about hardcore and insanity level difficulty? What am i missing here? are cheats just required to get anywhere in this game? Even on casual difficulty, it doesn't seem to matter what companions I use, Wrex seems to be the only one that last more than 5 seconds into a battle, and shortly therafter, i myself am dead. 30 tries in, i get fed up with the nonsense and had to cheat in a super weapon because it was downright impossible to get past a part i was trapped in. I play games on top difficulty levels and never back down from a challenge, but time and time again I keep running into situations in this game that it is impossible to get past a fight even on casual difficulty level. The gameplay after this point was smooth as butter without complication. Nearest I can gather, i simply went for this mission WAY too soon (level 10) which put me in a very bad spot. Just to be clear, this was a post in regards to the fight with the Krogan and geth ontop of the elevator after rescuing Liara.